Career Chaos and Caffeine

for the Career woman living the moments in Chaos while being fueled by Caffeine, just trying to soak it all in

Welcome to Career Chaos & Caffeine!

Hi! Thanks for checking out Career Chaos & Caffeine. This is the place you can come to learn, hear, and share stories of how women can find the ever elusive “work-life balance” (Ugh! That phrase makes me cringe, but more on that topic later). Whether you are just starting your career, climbing the ladder, rounding the top, or making the descent, there is something here for you.

But why should you listen to me or care about what I think?

I am right there in the trenches with you. I’m a mom, wife, employee, manager, friend…the list goes on. I have been working in Human Resources for over 17 years. It is my job to help clients preserve and develop their biggest resource, their employees. And I’m certified to do it through the Society of Human Resources Management.

While I spend my days managing all the things in the office, I’m also a wife to a fantastic guy and mom to a wonderfully sassy teenage daughter, so I spend my evenings and weekends managing all the things too. Oh, and did I mention I’m a glutton for punishment. So, as if career, wife and mom aren’t enough, I also teach dance at a local dance studio. That’s right. I work all day, come home, make sure my daughter is fed, school work is up to date, then cart her off to her friends/sports/activities. Thankfully one of those activities is my dance class (teaching your own child is hard! But, again, another subject for another day). In between all of that, which doesn’t include laundry, grocery shopping, dishes, feeding pets, etc., I try to spend quality time with my husband. Now don’t get me wrong. My husband is very involved in our family and household and does all the things too, but I still have this internal feeling of needing to manage it all keep it all straight. Then occasionally, I get to catch up with my friends.

How many of you read that and felt like I was reciting your life!

Now you don’t have to be a wife and/or mom to feel the overwhelming pressure of managing all the things. There is still laundry to do, groceries to get, a home to maintain, interests to indulge in. And you’d probably like to spend more time catching up with friends too!

I’m here to help you women through it all. I have a passion to help people succeed. It’s what I have studied and continue to educate myself on. And sometimes you just need to know there is someone else going through it too!

Cara Nicholson

Mom, Wife, HR Professional, Dance Teacher

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